The Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship (MMUF) is an initiative of the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, a philanthropic organization that has central commitments in the humanities. As a result, MMUF is designed to support students in the humanities and humanistic social sciences toward pursuing PhDs and promoting the value of multivocality in the professoriate.
You must have declared, or be planning to declare, a major in one or more of the following academic departments to be eligible for the Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship (MMUF) at Princeton University.
- African American Studies
- Anthropology
- Art and Archaeology
- Classics
- Comparative Literature
- East Asian Studies
- English
- French and Italian
- German
- History
- Music (Musicology, Ethnomusicology, and Music Theory only)
- Near Eastern Studies
- Philosophy
- Politics (Political Theory only)
- Religion
- Slavic Languages and Literatures
- Sociology
- Spanish and Portuguese
See more about eligible fields of study on the MMUF organization page. Please note that, if you are pursuing only a minor or certificate in an MMUF-eligible area, and not a major, you will not be eligible for the fellowship.